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The Parish council normally meets 6-weekly in the Village Hall at 7pm (see the provisional meeting schedule).

When work can be researched outside of Full Council, Working Groups are formed. Current Working Groups are:

  • the Traffic Calming Advisory Group, (TCAG)

  • the Environment Working Group, (EWG)

  • the Community Review Steering Group, (CRSG)


If there is something you wish to contact the Council about, contact the Clerk or a member whose area of responsibility covers your enquiry.


Chair - Cllr Mike Dodd (mike.dodd@priddyparish.org) TCAG member; EWG member; Noticeboards; Defibrillator Guardian; CRSG member


Cllr Virginie Barberet (v.barberet@priddyparish.org) TCAG member; EWG convenor


Cllr Dean Collier (dean.collier@priddyparish.org) TCAG Chair; EWG member; CRSG member


Cllr Chris Dyke (chris.dyke@priddyparish.org) EWG member


Vice Chair - Cllr Michelle Phippen (michelle.phippen@priddyparish.org) Internal Review Officer; TCAG member; EWG member


Cllr Rachel Thompson MBE (rachel.thompson@priddyparish.org) EWG member


Parish Councillor Declarations of Interest can be found on the Mendip District Council website.

Mendip District Council


Cllr Tom Killen (cllr.killen@mendip.gov.uk)

Somerset Council


Cllr Edric Hobbs

Cllr Tony Robbins

Parish Clerk



Parish Paths Liaison Officer


(pplo@priddyparish.org) - vacant


Useful Links


Road issues - Somerset County Council 

Footpath issues - Somerset County Council - Roam

Finding a home - Somerset

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